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    L&Rs Wine Pump

    £34.99 £69.99
    Unit price  per 
    Our L&Rs essentials  ™  Wine Pump is designed specifically to keep allow you to enjoy a glass of wine with ease!
    Why choose us? Our electric wine pump will provide the comfort of no longer needing to struggle and knock any bottles over mistakenly on your special nights.
    Our pump seals securely onto your bottle making sure no spillages can happen whilst also bringing out more flavour molecules in the wine.
    Why You Need L&Rs wine pump ™:
    - Save Time: This pump ensures no mess is made, meaning you no longer need to clean up.
    - Long Lasting: Our pump lasts 4 hours with a charged battery, so you can use it all night (or morning) long!
     -One Size Fits All: Easy to add and adjust to fit around the bottle, the wine pump is a hassle-free way to instantly get your drink into your glass.

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